Japan Day 4: Mt Takao

The view of Tokyo from Mt. Takao.

This morning I woke up slightly later than I planned at about 9:15. I had a shower and called mum. I left my hotel room at about 12:30 going to Akihabara station, charging my Icoca card and then getting on the Yamanote line to Tokyo.  At Tokyo I bought myself a late breakfast and some… Continue reading Japan Day 4: Mt Takao

Categorised as Japan 2023

Japan Day 3: Going to Starbucks and the Movies

The street lights of Ueno-Ameyoko

Today I woke up at about 8:30 having slept through my alarm. As always I had a coffee to wake myself up. I spent about an hour writing yesterdays blog post before having a shower and then preparing myself to leave the hotel room.  I left the hotel room at about 10:15 and first walked… Continue reading Japan Day 3: Going to Starbucks and the Movies