As some of you may know I am doing Year 12 this year. In order to combat the massive amount of workload that I need to complete daily I decided that the best way to not fall behind would be to have some sort of external system from my brain where everything can be visually represented.
I tried the Bullet Journal for a while during the week I had off during exams and felt that the system worked really well. However once I got to school I struggled to apply it to the intense workloads of Year 12.
I finished early commencement having been behind in both my maths subjects. I needed to find something better. I was watching videos from productivity YouTubers like Matt Ragland who makes videos about productivity using analogue systems like the bullet journal to organise his life unfortunately these analogue systems did not work for me. From there I found YouTuber Keep Productive he made videos about products like ‘Todoist’ and ‘Bear Notes’ which are applications that are known for being good for productivity. After that I jumped in and added all of my holiday homework into Todoist.
The thing I like about Todoist is the fact that it uses a points system which encourages you to complete tasks and you can also schedule tasks to be done on a certain day. I will usually schedule a 1 Maths Exercise and some revision for all of my other subjects.
I am able to achieve most of the tasks scheduled everyday with all the same advantages of the migration process of the bullet journal. I think Todoist is an application that has really helped me out over the past month and it would be interesting to see how it works in the wild of school.