Japan Day 3: Going to Starbucks and the Movies

The street lights of Ueno-Ameyoko

Today I woke up at about 8:30 having slept through my alarm. As always I had a coffee to wake myself up. I spent about an hour writing yesterdays blog post before having a shower and then preparing myself to leave the hotel room. 

I left the hotel room at about 10:15 and first walked to Akihabara and went to one of the most amusing stores in Japan Don Quixote, though I found that I was a bit disorientated and needed some food, which I got from 7/11. 

From Akihabara station, I got the Sobu Line local to Suidobashi and walked around Tokyo Dome (a big sports and events stadium), there is a theme park attached. 

I then got a Mito Line subway train from Kasuga to Mito and changed for the Yamanote Line at Tamachi. I had a little break and read the paper at Tamachi before getting a Yamanote Line train to Takanawa Gateway. 

I had a short meeting about some uni things at Takanawa Gateway Starbucks and then published yesterdays blog post. It was really quite windy and cold outside. 

I decided that I wanted to see a movie called “Suzume”, I decided that going to Ikebukuro would be the best place to watch the movie. So I got the Yamanote line to Osaki and then hoped on the Shonan Shinjuku line which promptly transported me to Ikebukuro. I love how japan have different tiers of train line for going different distances. 

A movie ticket written in Japanese for the movie Suzume no Tojimari.

I got to the cinema at about 15:10, I decided that I would go to the Toho Cinemas as I have used that brand in the past. Booking the ticket was difficult but nonetheless I was able to book it in, the problem is that they ask questions like where would you like to sit in the cinema. I bought some popcorn and a coke to have with the movie. 

The movie was good I am not going to spoil it but it made me cry a little due to some of the subject matter being about an event that happened in Japan in the early 2010’s which is still quite raw. I was not the only one crying in the cinema. I am glad that I saw this movie in Tokyo as there were locations in the film that I had been to on the same day. 

The movie finished at about 6pm and I walked back to Ikebukuro station and onto the Yamanote line. The lights in Ikebukuro are really quite pretty. 

I then walked around the Ameyoko markets and finally had dinner at the family restaurant “Jonathans”. I went back to the hotel and called mum and dad. 

I went on a night walk to Akihabara and went to BookOff. I got a japanese copy of the Haruki Murakami novel “Kafka on the Shore”, a book I have recently been reading in translated form. 

That was my day I know it probably wasn’t as exciting as the previous day but it was fun and I really enjoyed the movie. 

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